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Alabama Water Institute

Dec 11, 2020

Dr. Carla Atkinson from The University of Alabama's Department of Biological Sciences discusses the importance of freshwater mussels, intermittent streams and her recent awards and grants to continue her research on both.

Nov 9, 2020

Dr. Mark Elliott discusses a new grant from Columbia University to begin researching more affordable and healthier wastewater solutions in Alabama's Black Belt region. The project is a collaborative effort from several universities and organizations.

Sep 25, 2020

Dr. Mojdeh Rasoulzadeh joined us for our H.U.B. Talk series. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at The University of Alabama. Her research involves flow and transport modeling in highly heterogeneous subsurface formations. She also studies analytical solutions and numerical simulation...

Sep 3, 2020

Dr. Glenn Tootle from The University of Alabama's College of Engineering discusses his recent Fulbright Scholar Grant and researching paleohydrology at home and abroad as a civil engineer.

Aug 5, 2020

Dr. David Weston, senior staff scientist from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, spoke at the AWI Symposium in December 2019. The topic for his presentation focuses on implications on a plant-microbiome system influencing peatland carbon and nitrogen cycling.